Photo assignment to document an Education and an FGM project implemented by World Vision, financed by the Finish government and Irish aid, in the region of Puntland, in Somalia in 2021.

« Many young girls are going through FGM/C in Somalia. It is estimated that 90% of the female population aged between 15 to 49 has undergone FGM/C in Somalia, and 65% of this population supports the continuation of this practice. This is despite the sad fact that FGM/C can lead to various types of complications, both medical and psychological.

Based on this assessment, World Vision, with support from the Finnish Government, is working in conjunction with local authorities and has put in place a multi-sectoral programme that aims at reducing FGM/C among the Somali population. One of the key elements of this programme is the Channels of Hope (CoH) approach, which aims at training and sensitising community leaders, such as faith leaders about the dangers of FGM/C.

Access to education is also a challenge in remote areas of Puntland, worsened by a lack of personnel as well as infrastructure. The HPP, which was implemented by World Vision and funded by Irish Aid, is aimed at giving access to quality education to children. The programme includes the construction of modern school infrastructure as well as providing stipends to school personnel. »