Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) account for 67 per cent of new HIV infections in sub-Saharan Africa. Following this statement, John Snow Inc, financed by the PEPFAR fund, implemented the Dreams Innovation Challenges, which aimed to develop comprehensive approaches to reduce HIV transmission among this population.

The Dreams Innovation Challenges relied on a network of local NGOs, granted to implement projects adapted to AWYG, aiming to strengthen leadership and capacity of communities, keeping girls at school and eventually providing a bridge to employment. In Kenya, Dreams Innovative Challenges pioneered in the use of PREP for the population at risk.

At the end of 2018, I had the opportunity to document the impacts of the Dreams Innovation Challenge in six countries of intervention (Lesotho, Kenya, Mozambique, South-African Republic, Uganda, and Zambia), and to tell the stories of the beneficiaries of Dreams, and to monitor the change of perception regarding HIV in these countries.